Monday, December 10, 2007

The Beach!

So this is my last post in Thailand and proably there are only a couple more until I'm home. I went to the beach which was frickin' amazing. Seriously hard to come back. Tommorow I leave for India which I have mixed feelings about. I mean it will be very nice. The one nice thing is the closer the looming date of my departure back to the real world comes the better I am about handling it. I think I will be okay coming back to Michigan and then in two weeks moving back to Baldwin. It should be fun. It will at least be nice to see everyone. My mom is in Staunton this past weekend and she's bringing back choclates, it's a small thing but it made me think about the stuff I miss, the Visulite, the Woodrow Wilson, Blackfrairs, Shanandoah Pizza, Celebrate, Cranberries, etc. It will be nice I think. I don't know we'll see when I get home whether I die of culture shock or I'm relativly okay. I mean I'm not going to be old Robyn anyway but it would be nice to be the Robyn who can just cope with living another few years in the place she was born and raised. Anyway it is only a few years. No problem. So it will be nice. I actually too am looking foward to being back in India. I miss Bodh Gaya. Kolkata is going to be nice and I have a day and a half. Maybe I'll go to the Kali temple or the Mother Teresa house. Something cool like that. I'm going to miss Bangkok though and Thailand in general. Great place. Oh man I can't beleive I will be leaving tommorow. Should be interesting. The beach was amazing though. Some intresting adventures on the way there and back that I will share at a later point in time. The beach was beautiful, white sand, aqua sea. Laying out on the beach in December is not something I have ever done and it was really really nice. Swimming too! Oh I miss swimming so much and it was so nice just to lay in the surf. I love water. It was so relaxing and carefree. I really wanted to just live in a hut forever but now I'm here and it's good. The next few days are going to be crazy but it will turn out fine and before you know I will be in Bodh Gaya again! Yey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.